TEMPLE TALK TUESDAY: Veteran’s Awareness


Join us EVERY TUESDAY, as we discuss and learn how to better take care of our fearfully & wonderfully made temple--mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. We're going deep! Licensed social workers, special guests, personal testimonies. Invite your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors :)

Grief Brain…Feeling Foggy?

"Grief is a normal protective process. This process is an evolutionary adaptation to promote survival in the face of emotional trauma." ~Lisa M. Shulman, MD

CROSSFIT: Body & Mind

Join Dee Dee's Cry EVERY THURSDAY @ 5pm for this FREE event and let's get our Body & Mind fit!! See flyer for details. "The human body may be compared to nicely adjusted machinery, which needs care to keep it in running order. While the mind is taxed, the muscles also should have their proportion of exercise." ~Ministry of Healing pg. 127